I have spent more time that I’ll ever admit looking at cryptocurrencies trading charts. I’ve been working with Shiny for more than a year by now. So finally I tried to put cryptocurrencies and Shiny together and create my own trading chart in Shiny.
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Price Analysis for Real Estate in Barcelona. Where's the bargain?
Introduction A few months ago I got my hands on a real estate dataset. I had no clue about its structure, meaning, units, and whatnot. After a lot of exploratory analysis, a pinch of mapping, and a grain of modeling, I could get and idea of where to invest in real estate in Barcelona, although in 2016.
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A 3 de cada 4 españoles no se nos ha preguntado sobre el contenido de la Constitución Española
Hace 40 años que parte del pueblo español ratificó en referéndum la Constitución española. Aquellos que pudieron votar sobre la carta magna en 1978 representan hoy una minoría de la población española actual.
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Text prediction app to tweet like Trump
This project was going to be way shorter and simpler, but it got out of hand. I challenged myself by creating an app able to handle text in files of millions of rows and several gigabytes.
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Less negotiation and more beatings for the Chinese workers
I find impressive how little we (the “Western Hemisphere”) know about other countries. To simplify our knowledge we tend to homogenize the entire population of a country. We disregard internal politics, movements that don’t fit with our vision of it.
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Price correlation among cryptocurrencies
I was one of those who discovered Bitcoin around 2012 and ignored it. I couldn’t find what its point was and I didn’t know “how much it costed”. Then, I was lucky to keep reading about it and jump into the Bitcoin train in 2013.
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MMA weight class. To the limit and not beyond?
I like MMA. I’m not expert, neither I watch every single fight. Actually, I don’t know many of the fighters, but I like the adrenaline of a good fight. I even got dragged into the Rhonda Rousey’s fan train about 2 years ago, when she was at her peak way before her WWA “fights”.
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